Wellness Safari Journey | Blogs | The Royal Madikwe

Wellness Safari Journey

 Cherie Whitfield   2023-10-27  Comments

In the fast-paced modern world which is dominated by screens and notifications, the essence of nature is often drowned out.  Royal Madikwe allows you to unplug from the rest of the world for a moment and reconnect with the natural world.  As you step through the doors of our African home, you'll feel a profound sense of connection with the earth. Suddenly you notice the sound of rustling leaves, the gentle sway of trees, and the earthy scent of the wilderness that guide you back to the core of your existence.  It's a familiar and enchanting feeling.  There is an undeniable connection between nature and wellness, which has been know for centuries, but the spirit of this intricate relationship often gets lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life. 


The incredible wilderness surrounding Royal Madikwe offers a wellspring of tranquility teeming with wildlife in the  pristine Madikwe Game Reserve, South Africa.  In this blog we delve into the profound link between nature and well-being and how our guests' safari experience takes them on a journey of discovery, healing through connection and an energetic restoration.


Nature has the power to heal, to rejuvinate and restore ones energy.  In the solace of the wilderness, our guests have the opportunity to connect with nature and embrace wellness in all its dimensions.  This holisitc philosophy is the foundation upon which our unforgettable experience is built. For our team who call this magical world home, wellness is more than a concept; it's a living breathing reality that seamlessly blends with the daily rhythms of the wild and flows into every aspect of our guest experience.  A guest experience that is all-inclusive, meaning that every member of the family /group delights in this beautiful holistic expereince together. 


Wellness looks different for everyone right?  Right! 


For us, wellness means curating an expereince that deepens our guests immersion in nature allowing them to rest, restore, remember and strengthen their family connection alongside of a vibrant cultural celebration.


We have curated a serene environment that seamlessly blends with nature allowing our guests to rest in luxurious comfort while our culinary artists pour their love into creating nourishing meals, using home grown organic produce, for our guests to share in a true celebration of togetherness.  Handmade gifts, empowering women in our local community, await you on arrival along with the beaming smiles of our incredible team... and a herd of Elephant at our waterhole of course. 



Gentle yoga flows and mindful breathework at sunrise remind us of the beauty surrounding us, while the changing colours of the sky reflect the ever-evolving nature of our own lives. 


On safari's and bush walks our guests are guided through the wilderness, learning about the intricacies of this flourishing ecosystem through wisdom that has been passed down through generations. The vibrant rhythm of African drums break the stillness of the night along with bellowing laughter around the crackling boma fire.  These are the moments we cherish for a lifetime.

Nature invites us to slow down and be present in each moment, savouring the reality of the here and now.  In the midst of this serene wilderness, you'll discover a symphony of silence brimming with the whispers of nature, the profound wisdom of the earth and the hushed conversations of the creatures who call this land home.  Looking a little deeper into nature and taking some time for quiet contemplation allows one to observe the mirrored world of ones own silent symphony.
Nature subtly guides us into a remembrance of the simple joys in life.  By observing the intimate acts of grooming, nourishing and playful behaviours within a pride of Lions or a troop of Baboons, one is reminded of the importance of being present and finding joy in the mundane everyday moments.  These daily  interactions foster a deeper connection with loved ones solidifying the bonds within the pride (family).
Generational wisdom is passed down through stories, teachings and shared expereinces within ones community.  Your own community may be your family, your friends, or a combination of people from all walks of life coming together through shared interests.  The value of community lies within creating a safe space for those who are journeying through a challenging season in their lives; providing support, love and positive encouragement and receiving the same in return.  Just as the Matriarch's in a herd of Elephant come together to scoop up a baby Elephant who has fallen into a waterhole, the importance of their working together, using their trunks, to safeguard one of their own is crutial to the well-being of the entire herd. Behaviour is learned by journeying through expereinces together and passed on to younger generations to preserve the core values of the community.
There is so much wisdom in the natural world and by spending time in nature, one is constantly reminded of the simple pleasures that bring so much meaning and joy to ones life.






Age: New to Old
Age: New to Old
Age: Old to New


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Cherie Whitfield
Royal Madikwe


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